Distinctive build quality by professional builders in Braintree, Essex
‘Having spent 25 years in the building industry, I decided to bring together a tightly knit team of building industry professionals, known and trusted personally to me.
We have a broad range of skills ranging from bricklaying, to full house builds and extensive experience of project management. We are registered as developers and boast the ability to provide the NHBC Buildmark 10 year guarantee with all our new build properties. As many customers are looking to build the house of their dreams as a way to try to avoid the pitfalls of the current housing market, JB are the perfect partner.
With an affiliate team of architects and designers we have all angles covered. JB can also act as project managers for your self build project, ensuring everything is done professionally should you wish to take this route.
Of course, as well as large projects, we are also happy to undertake smaller projects, anywhere across Essex, and have previously been contracted for a number of larger jobs in the London area.’
– Joe Bekir, JB Construction